Four major courses and research areas

Four major courses
- Complex Mechanics
Dynamics and Function of Materials|Nakamura Lab.
Nobutomo Nakamura (Professor), Kanta Adachi (Assistant Professor)
Our research group studies on materials whose electrical and optical properties change upon deformation. Using our originally developed ultrasonic technology, we are developing materials that show a new correlation between deformation and function, and applying them to gas sensors and molecular sensors. We also investigate the mechanisms of deformation and fracture of nanomaterials and their strength.
Microdynamics|Nakatani & Doi Lab.
Akihiro Nakatani (Professor), Yusuke Doi (Associate Professor)
We conduct research on applied mechanics based on mechanics of material and solid mechanics. We aim to realize new macromechanical properties and functions by actively and safely utilizing nonlinear and unstable phenomena that occur in mechanical systems with microscopic structures. As an example, we are studying metamaterials and tensegrity structures by integrating mechanics analysis, experiments, and computational simulations.
Multiphase Flow Science and Engineering|Tanaka, Tsuji & Washino Lab.
Toshitugu Tanaka (Professor), Takuya Tsuji (Associate Professor), Kimiaki Washino (Associate Professor)
Flows including solid particle are seen in a wide range of industrial equiput and in nature. It shows very complex and intriguing bahaviors due to the structure formation by particles. We perform studies to advance our understandings on the flow physics and to develop reliable numerical models. Application studies based on these fundamentals are also our scope of study.
Materials Evaluation and Engineering|Hayashi Lab.
Takahiro Hayashi (Professor), Naoki Mori (Lecturer), Lijun Liu (Assistant Professor)
Elastic wave propagation is analyzed based on wave theories and calculations of the waves in engineering materials and biomaterials. New measurement techniques for elastic waves are also developed such as non-contact air coupled ultrasonics and laser ultrasonics.
Composite Materials Processing|Kondo & Umeda Lab.
Katsuyoshi Kondoh (Professor), Junko Umeda (Professor), Shota Kariya (Lecturer)
From a viewpoint of the effective reuse of resources and the energy saving, the research fields of this department focus on the control of the interfacial microstructure and its’ mechanics, and high-performance of materials. It is conducted on atomic/nano/micro multi-scale composite materials and processing designs for the environmentally benign are established and applied to innovative industrial development.
- Thermo and Fluid Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics|Takeuchi Lab.
Shintaro Takeuchi (Professor), Kie Okabayashi (Assistant Professor)
For the development of energy system, high-speed transportation and bio-fluid engineering, we are studying on turbulent flows, interfacial phenomena, multiphase flows and so on. Our research interest is especially in the computational fluid dynamics (CFD), including development of computational method and physical models. Current topics are control of drag, noise and heat-and-mass transfer.
Theory and Application of Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Fluid Mechanics|Yano & Yamaguchi Lab.
Takeru Yano (Professor), Yasutaka Yamaguchi (Associate Professor), Masashi Inaba (Assistant Professor)
When we discard the assumption of continuum for gases and liquids, we have to confront a highly nonlinearity of dynamics of molecules and resulting nonequilibrium phenomena. Research activities in our laboratory mainly focus upon the theoretical treatment of such nonlinear and nonequilibrium phenomena that appear in the context of fluid mechanics.
Reaction and Transport Dynamics in Energy Devices|Tsushima Lab.
Shoji Tsushima (Professor), Takahiro Suzuki (Lecturer)
We pursue mitigating gaps between theoretical thermal efficiency given by thermodynamics and state-of-the-art technologies in energy devices. We tackle minimizing energy losses by clarifying reaction and transport dynamics in the devices and improving a rate determining process for establishing next-generation energy devices. Our research interests currently cover polymer electrolyte fuel cells, flow batteries and separating/concentrating/filtering devices.
Combustion Engineering|Akamatsu Lab.
Fumitsu Akamatsu (Professor), Tsukasa Hori (Lecturer), Shinya Sawada (Assistant Professor)
Studies of the highly efficient and clean combustion, the plasma assisted combustion/ignition, the utilization of biomass, the ammonia combustion as an energy carrier, the effective use of combustion field are conducted in the combustion engineering laboratory of Osaka university.
Micro Thermal Engineering|Shibahara & Fujiwara Lab.
Masahiko Shibahara (Professor), Kunio Fujiwara (Associate Professor)
In our laboratory, we have developed computer-based technologies such as atomic / molecular scale simulation, numerical analysis, and deep learning for "the process of using energy" and "the process of heat and mass transfer". Furthermore, we also verify the simulation results by experiments, and develop technologies based on the simulation results. We are conducting various researches to contribute to new energy utilization methods, energy-saving technologies, and realization of carbon-neutrality.
- Design and Integration
Design Engineering|Fujita, Nomaguchi & Yaji Lab.
Kikuo Fujita (Professor), Yutaka Nomaguchi (Associate Professor), Kentaro Yaji (Associate Professor)
Toward innovative products and services, this laboratory is in charge of research and education of design theories, design methodologies, and computer-aided design technologies for realizing their comprehensive and systematic design processes. Specific research themes include of design concept exploration with language processing deep learning, topology optimization with deep generative model and multi-fidelity analysis, model-based design of system-of-systems, integrative design of product family and supply chain, knowledge management for model-based systems design, and design process planning.
Precision Machining|Enomoto Lab.
Toshiyuki Enomoto (Professor), Tatsuya Sugihara (Associate Professor), Urara Satake (Assistant Professor)
Researches on cutting-edge manufacturing and processing, especially cutting, grinding, and polishing, in the fields of biomedical, aerospace, semiconductors, automobiles, and optics are conducted. We are engaged in a wide range of research activities, from fundamental researches that create completely new technology seeds by deepening the understanding of processing phenomena, to goal-oriented applied researches based on the requirements from the industrial world.
Nano Measurement in Production|Takaya & Mizutani Lab.
Yasuhiro Takaya (Professor), Yasuhiro Mizutani (Associate Professor), Tsutomu Uenohara (Assistant Professor)
We integrate nano measurement and machining in order to establish the highly developed nano production system. Our research is based on the laser applied measurement and machining techniques. We invent novel measurement and machining principles on our own. Moreover, we design and build our own original equipment. In recent years, we have been working on the development of next-generation measurement techniques based on quantum optics and machine learning.
Sustainable System Design|Kobayashi Lab.
Hideki Kobayashi (Professor), Hidenori Murata (Assistant Professor)
For realizing the sustainable society, Life Cycle Engineering Laboratory studies design theories and methodologies of product life cycles, especially from the holistic viewpoint of life cycles that contains product design, manufacturing, operation and service, reuse, recycling, and disposal.
Quality of Life Technology|Ino & Yoshimoto Lab.
Shuichi Ino (Professor), Shunsuke Yoshimoto (Associate Professor)
We are studying various types of quality-of-life technologies based on human physiology, psychophysics, and biomedical engineering that can support the daily life and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities and elderly individuals through multidisciplinary collaboration. The research areas include assistive technologies for eating, mobility, and communication, healthcare techniques for prevention of frailty and lifestyle diseases as well as sensing and actuation devices for human augmentation.
Laser Materials Processing|Tsukamoto & Sato Lab.
Masahiro Tsukamoto (Professor), Yuji Sato (Associate Professor), Keisuke Takenaka (Assistant Professor)
Fundamental studies are performed concerning the development of joining, surface modification and removal processing with a laser beam. In particular, the mechanisms of joining and imperfection formation are clarified by the high-speed observation and measurement of laser welding phenomena with the optical sensors or transmission imaging techniques. Further studies of monitoring, sensing, adaptive control and simulation of processing, disimilar materials joining, hybrid welding, etc. are undertaken on metalic, ceramic or prastic materials to obtain a basic knowledge in producing high quality welds at all times.
- Control and Intelligence
Mechanical Dynamics|Ishikawa & Minami Lab.
Masato Ishikawa (Professor), Yuki Minami (Associate Professor), Yoichi Masuda (Assistant Professor)
We investigate theory and technology for understanding dynamics of machinery, particularly concerned with the machines that are "constrained" due to physical interaction with exterior environments. Topics range from mathematical principles such as analytical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, robotics and mechatronics. to practical applications such as legged and undulatory locomotion, rolling robots and construction machines.
Dynamical Systems Control|Osuka, Sugimoto & Ishihara Lab.
Koichi Osuka (Professor), Yasuhiro Sugimoto (Associate Professor), Hisashi Ishihara (Associate Professor), Yuichiro Sueoka (Assistant Professor)
We are trying to understand the essence of the control principle of dynamics-based control for a wide variety of dynamical systems. Then, we construct a new design principle for the control system for artificial or natural controlled objects (From robotics as science to robotics as a practical business).
Intelligent Mechanical Systems|Higashimori Lab.
Mitsuru Higashimori (Professor), Kazuki Higashi (Assistant Professor)
Focusing on the interaction between machine and environment, we aim to create novel mechanical systems from the viewpoint of intelligence and information. We are studying applied research related to robotic manipulation and sensing. Cooperating with medical, dental, and food science, we extract unique research tasks and develop novel systems.
Bio Medical Wet Robotics|Morishima Lab.
Keisuke Morishima (Professor)
We have demonstrated an environmentally robust biotic-abiotic robotic system that uses living components, called "Cellular Build Up Wet Nano Robotics". To utilize robust biological components as a functional systems and self assembly process and their emergent functionality, and to build up such a soft and wet machines will lead us an innovative fundamental change and produce a new principle and design to future man-made systems.
Spacecraft Dynamics and Control|Satoh Lab.
Satoshi Satoh (Professor)
Based on the orbit and attitude dynamics of spacecraft, we investigate dynamical behavior and stability analysis of spacecraft. We also develop new technologies for future spacecraft missions, such as efficient orbit transfer and maintenance, high-speed attitude maneuver, and ultra-precision formation flying.
Komatsu MIRAI Construction Equipment Cooperative Research Center|
Kazuya Kuriyama (Specially Appointed Professor), Daisuke Kondo (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor), Mak Kwan Wai (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor), Daisuke Ura (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor), Tetsuya Ogawa (Invited Faculty Member)(
As a base for joint research between Osaka University and Komatsu, we are engaged in improving the productivity of construction & production sites, to realizes automation, remoteness, and efficiency. In addition to utilizing ICT, we will collaborate with various laboratories in a wide range of fields such as control, image processing, sensors, simulation, and other data analysis by utilizing the viewpoints and ideas unique to universities, aiming for speedy establishment.