
セミナー開催のお知らせ(2015年11月25日) Laurent Joly 氏 (Assistant professor, Institut Lumière Matière, Université Lyon, France)

分子スケールの液体の流れのシミュレーションによる解析で先端的な研究をされているフランス,Lyon大学のLaurent Joly 氏をお招きして,下記のセミナーを開催いたします.皆様のご参加をお待ち致しております. 講師: Laurent Joly 氏 (Assistant professor, Institut Lumière Matière, Université Lyon, France) 題目: Molecular modeling of liquid/solid friction for nanofluidic applications 日時: 2015年11月25日(水) 13:00~14:30(予定) 場所: M1棟3階 311講義室 概要: Nanofluidic systems (i.e. natural and artificial systems where fluids are confined at the nanoscale) play a key role in numerous present-day applications, from water treatment to sustainable energy harvesting. New behaviors arise in nanoconfined liquids due to the predominant role of surfaces. For instance, nanoflows are controlled by interfacial hydrodynamics, and can be enhanced by liquid/solid slip arising from low liquid/solid friction. Electrokinetic effects, coupling different types of transport (e.g. hydrodynamic, ionic, thermal) at interfaces, at the core of nanofluidic energy conversion systems, can also be enhanced by liquid/solid slip. It is therefore crucial to understand and optimize liquid/solid friction in order to design more efficient nanofluidic devices. During this talk, I will illustrate with some of my recent works how molecular dynamics simulations can help unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying liquid/solid friction, and explore its consequences on nanofluidic transport and in particular on nanofluidic energy conversion.
